Selasa, 23 Mei 2017

Sembuyan Kearsipan

Slogan - Slogan Kearsipan

Slogan merupakan cara yang baik untuk mengutarakan ide atau gagasan dalam bentuk kalimat singkat. Berikut ini adalah slogan-slogan tentang manajemen arsip dinamis ataupun statis yang saya kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber, khususnya dari mailing lists.

Slogans on archives:

  1. The preservers of history are as heroic as its makers. (Pat Neff, Governor of Texas and President of Baylor University)

  2. Archives are forever

  3. History alive

  4. Preserving history

  5. Making heroes

  6. What's past is prologue. (William Shakespeare in "The Tempest". Also, chiseled onto the edifice of the National Archives of the United States.) [Reference information contributed by Peter Gunther]

  7. The great use of a life is to spend it for something that outlasts it. (William James) [Contributed by Mark Lambert]

  8. Preserving our past and flourishing in the future. (Debbie Edmondson)

  9. The written word endures - be sure to create it and preserve it. (a NARA poster)

  10. History is Everything. [Contributed by Valerie A. Metzler]

  11. It depends on those who pass

    Whether I am a tomb or treasure

    Whether I speak or am silent

    The choice is yours alone.

    Friend, do not enter without desire.

    (Verse by Paul Valery on the wall of a library & archives in Paris.) [Contributed by Joe Anderson]

  12. An archive is a dump without the seagulls. (Shoe, 1990) [Contributed by Bart Ryckbosch]

  13. Glory is acquired by virtue but preserved by letters. (Petrarch) [Contributed by Ellen Chapman]

  14. Archivists are like Mechanics, no one wants to give them money or the time of day until something breaks when they become God's amongst men. (Alex Rankin) [Contributed by Bob Coghill]

  15. People say I'm a packrat. They may be right. But I prefer the term archivist. (McNeely 16 Dec. 1995) [Contributed by Bob Coghill]

  16. Of all our national assets, Archives are the most precious; they are the gift of one generation to another and the extent of our care of them marks the extent of our civilization. (Arthur G. Doughty, Dominion Archivist, 1904-1935) [Contributed by Bob Coghill]

  17. Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it. (Santayana) [Contributed by Lynn Smith]

    Slogans on Records Management

  18. Information is power

  19. Time is money

  20. Records should earn their keep

  21. The future is in the making, not the waiting

  22. Control your records before they control you

  23. ...not all information is created equal !! (Larry Medina)

  24. For the Record...Information becomes far more a commercial commodity, ephemeral, instant, disposable, yet powerful, indispensable, and sought after. It'll be an interesting ride, but can we cope? (Bruce Montgomery, Univ. of Colorado)

  25. Behind every successful manager is a Records Manager

  26. Records are food for thought, not for mice. (A student of the Department.)

  27. Appraisal is the acid test of where a person stands in the archival world. (Marc Wolfe)

  28. Information is the currency of democracy. (Thomas Jefferson)

  29. To Keep or Not to Keep... Is that Your Question?

  30. To shred or not to shred; that is the question. (Peter Kurilecz)

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